
Complex of renovated apartments in prime area of Barcelona

Complex of renovated apartments in prime area of Barcelona
von 375.000 €
von 6.818 € / m²
Der Preis ist eingerichtet nach der letzten Bearbeitung des Elementes
Wohnraum: Von 47 m²
Schlafzimmeranzahl: Von 1
Badezimmeranzahl: Von 1
Complex of renovated apartments in prime area of Barcelona

For sale complex of 4 renovated apartments in the center of Barcelona, walking distance from all the main sights.

The properties feature best quality finishes and are equipped with parquet floors throughout the interior living space and also the terrace, high ceilings, air conditioning and heating and marble insertions for a luxury and modern overall look. 




Mehr Information über diese und andere Immobilien unter:
(+34) 93 494 77 96
9.00-14.00 and 16.00-18.00 (Spanishe Zeit) an Werktagen