
Designer chain store in the center of Barcelona

Designer chain store in the center of Barcelona
1.350.000 €
Der Preis ist eingerichtet nach der letzten Bearbeitung des Elementes
Baugebiet: 100 m²
Jährlicher Gewinn: 60000 €
Wirtschaftlichkeit: 4.4%
Vermietet: since the moment of purchase
100 m²
Jährlicher Gewinn
since the moment of purchase
Vertrag mit verpflichtender Umsetzung
4 years
Designer chain store in the center of Barcelona

For sale commercial space on one of the most popular commercial streets of Barcelona, meant for a designer chain store.The owner of the property is the same as the chain store owner, and he sells with the condition that he will be the one renting this property on the following conditions:

- the renting agreement with this chain store will be for 10 years with obligatory 4 years

- rental fee will be 5000 euros/month


Mehr Information über diese und andere Immobilien unter:
(+34) 93 494 77 96
9.00-14.00 and 16.00-18.00 (Spanishe Zeit) an Werktagen